How to Clean an Airsoft Gun

How to Clean an Airsoft Gun

Screwdrivers that symbolize airsoft maintenance

Maintenance is important office of airsoft and people oftentimes forget to clean their guns and accessories just equally they forget how to properly store them. Such mistakes frequently lead to the variety of malfunctions and unnecessary repair costs.

To maintain the airsoft gear with guns as number one priority does not mean anything circuitous or expensive, all you need to practice is to be informed and learn a couple useful techniques and do it regularly.

In this guide I will share the all-time maintenance tips and guide y'all, then you will exist able to make clean your airsoft equipment properly.

How ofttimes should you clean your airsoft gun and can y'all over clean information technology?

How oft you should make clean your airsoft replica strictly depends on how often you use it, under what conditions yous utilise it and what type of a gun information technology is. Not all replicas are equal when it comes to maintenance and some will crave more than cleaning and lubricating than others.

Allow'southward first determine which guns require serious maintenance and which ones won't take information technology to the heart if you skip the maintenance from time to time. I volition besides mention some special characteristics and parts that each gun type is very sensitive upon.


Statistically almost people use AEGs for their principal guns and I will consider them first. Electric guns require proper inner barrel cleaning, all the same in that location is more to handle near these, such as to maintain the gearbox dry at all times and making it sure that no electronics get damaged by outer ecology atmospheric condition.

Hopefully, all you accept to take care about is not to permit the water get inside and they will be fine, the barrel cleaning is recommended after approximately 2500 BBs shot or per average afterwards every second to third game.

Some people clean their AEGs rarer than this and some clean their AEGs after every single game.

The determination is that AEGs are not that sensitive and do not need frequently barrel cleaning, but they still should be cleaned and people who do not clean them at all are risking big.

Blowback guns

Whatever blowback gun is sensitive and you lot will take to protect them from dirt that may get inside due to lots of sliding and moving parts simply as y'all will take to keep them well-lubricated at all times.

Lubrication is important when it comes to blowback guns because lots of moving parts dry the lubricants quite shortly.

When it comes to the barrel cleaning I propose that you do it afterwards every game and therefore I consider them to be more dependent on cleaning than AEGs and non-blowbacks.

Not-blowback guns

Naturally, if the gun does not have the blowback machinery it will exist easier to maintenance. Pistols are easier to clean than rifles and traditionally the non-blowbacks are simply more resilient.

All the same, if you are a beginner bear in mind that an AEG gun is a non-blowback gun, so you volition yet have to pay attention to the gearbox and what I have mentioned above.

Spring guns

Springers all day long! These guys are awesome and they seem most unbreakable and when it comes to maintain they over perform! Simplicity of spring guns allows them to be efficient like no other gun out at that place.

Nonetheless, bolt action guns have moving parts and the dirt can quite easily become in there, and then it is recommended to make clean them subsequently each game for the best results.

HPA systems

Now, many guns can be converted to the HPA and allow's say that you lot have an AEG, you convert it to the HPA and you nonetheless have to keep up the regular AEG maintenance because the electronics still remain in, just y'all will also have to properly take care of HPA parts such as a HPA tank and engine.

If you want to know more almost HPA systems you tin can find more data here.

Tin you over clean any of these guns? Not really, unless you are to aggressive and curve or screw something in the processes. Just exist gentle with your gun and do not stomp on information technology, crash it or put a gallon of oil into it.

What can become wrong if yous do non clean and lubricate your gun?

When you forget to clean your gun information technology collects clay, dust and oils and it can cause the gun malfunctioning.

It is not a surprise to hear people lament near the gun's accuracy and once they clean it, it magically works proficient again. Lubrication is also pretty important to secure that all gun parts work as intended with one another.

The first consequence of poor maintenance is the reduced performance and this means that the BB won't accumulate proper speed at right angle and therefore the gun will lose accuracy.

The second one is an increased odd of the gun jamming. The gun can go jammed for different reasons just one of them is the excessive corporeality of dirt within the barrel.

The poor lubrication can lead to the clothing off of gun parts and therefore reduce their effectiveness of a gun.

In this case you volition need to remove the affected part and replace it, merely bear in mind that if yous take not lubricated your gun for a while, it may exist more one slice that is damaged.

What will you need for barrel cleaning?

  • Cleaning rod
  • Cleaning cloth (not paper or something that may leave small pieces inside barrel, brand it sure it won't tear or intermission into smaller pieces)
  • Cleaning alcohol or silicone oil ( water is a adept substitute, but would non prefer it) and alhocol is the safest option for cleaning purposes lonely.

Later on you have acquired the mentioned tools yous volition demand to offset have the magazine out and secure that there is no BBs left in the chamber.

Secondly, take the hop-upward off because yous exercise not want to damage the hop upward unit of measurement once you start putting the cleaning rod in. If the gun has the hop-up it will accept this option and it is pretty evidently located at the side of a gun where the actual hop-up is located.

How to clean the barrel?

At this moment the gun is set and you are ready to start with cleaning. Follow the adjacent steps.

  1. Bend the cleaning fabric in half and insert information technology into the cleaning rod.
  2. Put some alcohol or oil on the material.
  3. Insert the rod into the barrel and spin it effectually while pushing information technology into the barrel until you feel the resistance.
  4. Pull information technology out by twisting information technology.
  5. Later on the first try detect how much clay is left on the cloth, repeat it again and see whether there is however clay in at that place. It is normally enough to exercise this two times and the barrel volition be clean, but if the barrel is really dirty do not hesitate to go along with cleaning.

How to lubricate the airsoft gun?

You do not accept to lubricate the airsoft replica afterward each game, but it is recommended to do it afterward approximately iii-4 games and a bit less often for resiliant guns without many moving parts such as for AEGs.

Every bit I have mentioned in a higher place, the blowback guns are the guns that are affected by this the most.

By keeping it well-lubricated at all times, the gun will simply remain in a good shape for years to come! Forget do it and information technology will wear down inner parts in matter of months and reduce its performance.

Employ silicone oil for lubrication purposes, it works fine unless otherwise is written in gun transmission and you got information technology with some other oil. Also always check for the manuals if you take access to them because information technology volition make information technology easier for you.

GBB lubrication

In short, I volition explain how to lubricate GBB, but I recommend that you take a look at the video below that I have establish on youtube, it is way easier to follow this guy'southward guidelines than to read through my textual instructions.

  1. The procedure looks similar to the cleaning procedure. Starting time remove the magazine, make information technology sure that at that place are no BBs left in the chamber, turn off the hop-upwards.
  2. At present, you lot got to remove the slide in order to get the access to all those inner parts. To practice this you volition have to find a button on the side and a lever, yous will remove it by simultaneously pressing the button and turning the lever on the other side, slide it forwards along the track until it gets off the gun. The exact location of the lever and push button depend from a model to model, merely it is quite easy to catch it upward in no time.
  3. After this you will have to go your way to the important parts that need to get lubricated and you will have to move some parts ( be careful to know how to put them back, that'southward why I recommend watching a video).
  4.  Take the oil and first putting information technology on the parts, but bear in mind that y'all only need a few drops for each office and non more than that!
  5. Pay special attention to oil the rails where the slide moves on, the trigger mechanism and the hammer.
  6. Re-get together it back to one slice and at that place you go.

AEG lubrication

AEGs do not accept to be often lubricated, however the gearbox should still be well-lubricated at all times. Once it'due south been lubricated it will stay that way for long time.

In guild to practise this, you will have to remove the motor and then spray the silicon oil that we use for lubricant purposes through a small-scale opening at the bottom of the gearbox. Put but a few drops in there and leave the gun upside down for a few minutes, so the oil can cover everything inside nicely.

How to unjam the airsoft gun?

Every bit mentioned above, the gun can go jammed by poor maintenance that accumulates the dirt, merely information technology can happen for diverse other reasons likewise, such equally the poorly manufactured or damaged BBs, accumulation of dirt inside magazine, deformations of hop-upwards unit or nozzle.

If the gun is jammed you have a few options before disassembling it.

  1. First matter first, stop shooting because the more than you practice it, the higher the odds are that the piston and gear will go damaged.
  2. Turn off the hop-up merely equally you would do information technology for cleaning purposes and set it to nada.
  3. Afterward turning your gun upside downwards, use the opposite stop of a cleaning rod and push it into the barrel
  4. Try to push the BB back into the mag

This hopefully has solved the issue and you tin examination shooting it blank and inspect the sound the replica makes earlier putting the Bbs dorsum. If the problem still persist, you might demand to manually disassemble it and unjam information technology that way.

If you are not familiar with airsoft gun parts and how to disassemble it, the service stores or other professionals volition practise information technology instead.

To disassemble a gun it is important to sympathise the construction of a gun and I believe that it is useful cognition considering one day you may make up one's mind to upgrade some parts for increased performance.

Do not forget the magazine intendance

Magazines are not hard when it comes to basic maintenance, but there are unlike magazines out there and the process may differ slightly based on a type of a gun.

Spring and AEG magazines

Leap and AEG guns use different magazine technology, therefore if yous have ane these guns, make information technology sure that you do not leave BBs inside because they will otherwise proceed to cause pressure level on the spring and it may wear it down with fourth dimension. This is all you take to worry about when information technology comes to springer and AEG magazines, quite simple.

Gas magazines

Gas airsoft guns utilize gas magazines and to take care of them you should always keep them pressurized and be careful that you do not cause leaking. The mag that leaks tin crusade many issues and 1 of them is the damaged O-ring.

Lubrication is quite important here and information technology is recommended to put a drop of lubricant such as silicon oil on the internals, but be careful non to put likewise much of it, literally but a drop!

When it comes to gas magazines and information technology important to understand the basics of how CO2 cartridges piece of work, I have written a guide on them and you can detect it hither. This is going to help you with proper Co2 maintenance and you will not feel leakages and potential damages.

How long does an airsoft gun final?

With proper maintenance that includes cleaning and lubrication an airsoft gun can last for years no matters how ofttimes it has been used in battles. To say information technology is all most maintenance might be a flake inaccurate too, and then nosotros can too mention the importance of quality models and proper manufacturing.

Therefore, information technology is recommended to invest in expert guns that are branded.

You can not actually wait much from a full plastic gun that is not even fabricated out of high quality polymer, merely rather something cheap they wanted to become rid of anyhow.

The materials are extremely important and some brands are known for keeping it up with the standards better than others.

Debunking myths and wrong practices

Can you utilize WD40 on airsoft guns?

WD40 is not recommended for airsoft maintenance because information technology contains petroleum that is known for being unfriendly towards plastic components. Y'all practise non want to damage the plastic components and rubber within the gun.

Can I use olive oil on my gun?

Olive oil only like any other vegetable oil has unlike backdrop than industrial oils and therefore it would not be effective. It would more than likely cause jamming within a gun if the temperature would get cold.

Can you utilise motor oil to make clean a gun?

Motor oil does not seem to protect the gun from corrosion and for cleaning purposes at that place is no purpose in using information technology because I believe that it would brand too much unnecessary mess and unproblematic water would be better substitute.

Is water enough?

H2o may be expert enough for cleaning purposes, just information technology probably won't catch dirt like oil or alcohol would, information technology does not hateful that you lot can not use information technology if you practise not accept oil or alcohol because there are no studies done that say that the booze or oil does significantly better job for barrel cleaning purposes.Water is good for cleaning the outer parts of the gun, but be careful non to accidentally put it into electronics if y'all are cleaning the AEG.

Is silicone oil good for guns?

Some players say that the silicone oil is the best both for cleaning and lubricating and some volition disagree. I believe that silicone oil is good in depression amounts particularly for lubrication.

How to Clean an Airsoft Gun

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